Hidden Fortress Coffee Roasting

Type: | Artisan |
Owner: | Ameila & Patrick Loftus |
Phone: | 831-246-1748 |
Email: | amelia@hiddenfortressfarm.com |
Contact: |
1454 Oakleaf Dr Royal Oaks, CA 95076 |
Website: | http://www.hiddenfortressfarm.com |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/HiddenFortressMicroFarm |
Bio: | Hidden Fortress is a farm based coffee roaster. Coffee helps finance the start-up costs of a new farm which specializes in breakfast items like fruit, eggs, muffins, and of course, coffee! Owner Amelia Loftus started roasting coffee as a hobby in 2000 and has roasted all the coffee she drinks ever since. On a trip to Hawaii a few years ago she picked wild coffee beans and hand processed a small batch of coffee. This experience gave her a profound respect for the amount of labor and expertise required to produce excellent coffee. When looking for a way to reach self sufficiency as a farmer, coffee was the logical choice. The roasting is done with obsessive attention to detail on a very small scale fluid air bed commercial roaster that roasts just 2 pounds at a time. The roaster uses propane and solar power from a mobile solar power generator mounted on the truck which also powers the coffee booth at the farmer's market. With such small batches the coffee is labor intensive to produce but it is also easy to keep inventory farm fresh. |
About: | Hidden Fortress roasts a selection of house blends, from the extremely light roasted American Blonde to the strong, dark, and rich Espresso Blend. Also offered are seasonal single estate coffees that are outstanding to enjoy at the pour-over brew bar at the market or brewed with your favorite method at home. Each coffee offered is organic and most are Fair Trade. Amelia is passionate about quality beverages and is also an avid home brewer and author. In addition to fresh roasted coffee her farm also offers slow fermented apple cider vinegar, fruit jams and preserves, and when possible, pastured eggs. The fruit preserves are hand made with a slow cook no pectin method resulting in rich and complex fruit flavors. |
Sourcing: | Coffee is a very important source of income for farmers in many parts of the world, and as producers of a valuable commodity, the smallest farms are often at a disadvantage in the lucrative worldwide coffee trade. Amelia is dedicated to supporting these smaller farmers by sourcing beans that come from small scale operations, through a Bay Area broker she has worked with for over 10 years. Most coffees are hand picked. All coffee offered is organic, and the milk, sugar, and other condiments served with the coffee are organic and purchased at local shops. The cups and lids are compostable, and the coffee is packaged in biodegradable bags. Fruit for vinegar, preserves, and condiments for iced tea and lemonade served at the coffee booth are all sourced from local farms including Casalegno Family Farm, Route 1 farms, and High Ground Organics. |
Specials: | Two 8 oz. hand poured coffees at the brew bar for $5. $1 off per 12 oz. bag of coffee when buying 2 or more. |