Mother’s Day Brunch – Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions please contact Nicole Zahm at (831) 325-4294 or


Children are absolutely welcome at all of our farm-to-table events including the Mother’s Day Brunch. Keep in mind that during the meal this is a seated event. Children small enough to sit in your lap (2 or younger) may attend at no cost. For older children who require their own seat a ticket is required.

If you don’t think your child will enjoy sitting through a two hour brunch we invite you to bring the whole family back to Bee Fruitful Farm from noon to 2pm to enjoy games on the lawn and play by the creek. This later portion of the event is free!


This is a food service event – pets are not allowed to attend unless they are formally registered as service animals.


Bee Fruitful Farms is a non-smoking venue. This includes but is not limited to tobacco, vapor or e-cigarettes.


We welcome you to bring your own celebratory bottle of champagne or sparkling wine – there is no corkage fee.  Hard alcohol is not permitted.